T-Shirt Quilts
T-Shirt Quilts are memory filled quilts that we want to make extra special for you. We do this by including you in every step of the process.
Framed T-shirt Quilt
Picture Frame T-shirt Quilt
The Picture frame T-Shirt Quilt, is where all the t-shirts designs are cut out and then framed to a consistent size square.
The t-shirt designs can all be cut out to the same size or different sizes.
Framing fabric may be done in multiple colors or just one.
Simple Collage
Collage T-Shirt Quilt
If you don't want separated T-Shirts, then doing a collage style will be the perfect option.
This type of T-Shirt Quilt is just the T-shirts.
We do suggest a border around the T-shirts.
Senior Flags and Jersey's Quilt
Mixture T-shirt quilt
Do you want both styles of t-shirt quilt?
We can mix the two styles that are mentioned above the framed and collage quilts put together.
Items that can be included in a T-shirt quilt are: Jerseys, Flags, Pictures, Patches, Emblems from regular Shirts.
A GUESS-TIMATE of how many T-shirts you need by Standard Quilt Size and the T-Shirts being cut into 12" squares.
For a 48" by 60" (4 feet by 5 feet) you will want around 9 T-shirts. Regular Throw Quilt
For a 60" by 72" (5 feet by 6 feet) you will want around 12 T-shirts. Large Throw Quilt
For a 72" by 84" (6 feet by 7 feet) you will want 15-18 T-shirts. Small Queen size Quilt
For a 84" by 96" (7 feet by 8 feet) you will want 24-30 T-shirts. Large Queen size Quilt
For a 96" by 102" (8 feet by 8.5 feet) you will want 30-36 T-shirts. Small King size Quilt
For a 102" by 102" (8.5 feet by 8.5 feet) you will want 33-40 T-shirts. Large King size Quilt
Collage Style T-shirt quilts require more T-shirts.